Safety is primary when you are looking for a place to inhabit as your forever home. Living in a secure gated private community can set your mind at ease. Safety is most commonly the reason people make the choice to live in a private gated community. The sense of peace is worth the increased real estate prices. Comfort is always something we are willing to go the extra mile for. Depending on what private gated community you are in, will determine the level of security you will be receiving. Fortunately, more often than not gated communities are located in very low crime rate areas, that in itself is a positive feature to your investment. In this article we will discuss primarily the typical forms of security that would be enforced in a private gated community.
When you live in a private gated community you have now given the public the full perception of massive security standing between them and your safe place also known as your home. In order to enter the property anyone without a security pass has to stop and identify themselves at a gate which houses a trained guard. Anyone who would not be wanted into the community is now faced with a guard asking questions, a gate, and knowing he has to get past him to get through that gate. With this this feature the property values increase $50,000.00., realistically that is a small price to pay for added security and knowing that the ones you love and all you have worked hard for are protected from outside threats.
To keep criminals off the property
Some gate systems encompass much more than the perception you have security, the main purpose of these systems are to create a wall of protection around to unwanted or unexpected foot and vehicle traffic in the hope to reduce any crime and grant home owners with peace of mind. You may be wondering if this method actually works, and the answer is , Absolutely- quality, working gate systems restrict access and provide duo of physical and psychological protective layer against criminals. Protection couples with intimidation. The more ammo you have the less chance you have of someone trying to stand against it.
Gates that have accompanying video system support
If you want to feel more in control as a homeowner, you hold the key to the gate, literally. Now that technology has advanced, you as the home owner can now view who is at the gate if they are requesting access to you. Furthermore, video signals from a gate on a west coast property can be monitored by a security firm on the east coast due to the advancement in digital and broadband technologies. As the home owner you can even press the button from your home to open the gate for them, granting them access in the private community. At which point the entire exchange is recorded if a need ever arise it needs to be reviewed by authorities.
Private Gated communities have a high success rate with the reduction of criminal access, nothing you do will ever guarantee you 100% that nothing can go wrong. Now that the HOA committees are becoming diligent with Property managers coupled with top of the line, fully functioning systems, that can cover a lot of your day to day typical worries as a home owner that wants to ensure safety to his/her family.
Banner Elk; Gate Community, Security
Elk River Club is Banner Elk’s premier gated community featuring the state’s best horse stables, a Jack Nicklaus designed golf course, a private airport for guests, and so much more. Get the most out of living in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains when you buy a home in Elk River. Contact our Banner Elk real estate office today to learn more.